Friday, December 30, 2011

Emma- Four Months

Dear Emma,
Today, you are four months old! I say this every month, but I'll say it again...I can't believe how fast time goes. You did a lot this month, and every day I fall more and more in love with you. You make mommy & daddy laugh, but you also challenge us which makes us better partners because we both want the very best for you. We try to show you that we love each other, because we want you to know that you were born into a family of love, and that you are very very loved! 
The biggest highlight this month is that you rolled over. We were so proud of you, and now you never stop! Often I find you in the morning sleeping on your stomach because you had flipped in the middle of the night and then fallen back asleep. Now we just need to get you to learn how to get back on your back, because right now you get frustrated if you are on your tummy for too long. 
You have had a cold most of this month, which has been challenging for all of us. I feel bad because there isn't much I can do to help you out besides using the nasal aspirator and sitting in the bathroom with you while the shower runs so it gets nice and steamy. One of my favorite memories of this month is actually of us sitting in the bathroom while the steam was clearing out your nose and I was singing Christmas carols to you (we were home for Christmas). I would look down and see you smiling at me, and occasionally you would try and sing along :)
We have also endured many road trips this month, going back and forth to Chicago from Minneapolis 2 weekends in a row. I think you didn't like sitting in the car that long because you screamed your head off for at least 2 hours both ways. Luckily, our last drive back to Chicago is in just a couple weeks and then I promise we won't bring you on a car ride for that long until we get an iPad holder for the head rest so that you can watch some cartoons or something.
I love you and can't wait to see what you learn this month!

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