I haven't done much in terms of blogging this past weekend because my parents came into town! It was fun to see them, even though it was a very short time with my dad. My mom came up to help take care of Emma while I had an appointment at Mayo Clinic for a lump in my breast that needed a biopsy. Thank goodness for smart, intelligent, friendly doctors and nurses because they took several more pictures of the lump and were able to determine that it is a fibroadenoma. Sounds complicated, but all that means is it is a small, contained, non cancerous tumor. If you're interested you can read more
here. I knew going into this whole thing that I would be fine, but you start to hear a lot about breast cancer while you're answering doctor's questions both in person and while filling out all those forms. And then my mind starts going to dark places like, what if I'm not fine? What if Emma has to grow up with a mom who has cancer? What if I don't make it? You know, all those really dark far-fetched places that someone with an active imagination like myself tends to go quite often. Thankfully, it's nothing I need to worry about. I can get them removed if I want to, otherwise I just need to keep an eye on things to make sure that nothing gets out of hand.
While I was in the waiting room waiting for my breast ultrasound after just having another mammogram, I overheard the woman next to me telling her daughter that she had stage 2 breast cancer and was worried that it could be stage 3. A few minutes later her doctor came over and talked to her and she was crying and it really made me realize how scary that news must be to get. I can't imagine how I would react if given news that I was about to begin the fight of a lifetime.
I am so thankful for the life I have, and don't want to take any of it for granted. It is so easy to find myself wanting more, and usually it's something so frivolous. Yes, Brandon and I don't have a lot of money right now, but we have a lot of fun. We may not be buying a lot of things, but we are creating a lot of memories.
This picture is super blurry because right as I started taking it Emma rolled off Brandon. |
Gosh, sounds like quite a scare. Glad everything worked out ok for you. So much randomness in this life. Kellie xx