Friday, March 27, 2015

Out of the Fog

Owen will be 5 months tomorrow, and I finally feel like we are slowly emerging from what I like to refer to as the newborn fog. Days and nights are becoming more established, I'm no longer scared to leave the house in fear that he will need something immediately and I won't be able to get to him. I'm more prepared with extra diapers, clothes, bottles, etc. I feel like we are getting this.

Something awesome happens when a baby begins to smile and interact with his parents. Suddenly, he is no longer our "fat stranger" as Brandon and I so lovingly nicknamed him in the hospital. He is now one of us, a piece of our family puzzle that would be incomplete without him.

I don't have much to share in terms of updates except to say that we are taking things one day at a time, being flexible when we have to be, and allowing myself the freedom to let others watch the kids while I run errands, work out or whatever. Owen has tried bananas, oatmeal, and seems like there might be a tooth coming in soon. He is our smily guy and we love him so much!

Three months

Four months