Thursday, October 23, 2014

Still laboring...

At my appointment on Monday I was told I am now dilated to 5cm. That's halfway there folks! I really do feel like I have been so tired, almost like my body has been in slow labor for almost a month now. Dr. Gallo said that if I wanted I could schedule an induction any time this week, they'd break my water and see what happens. I feel like the word of this past month has been "anticipation". I never expected to go full term, simply based on the fact that Emma came two weeks early. I don't know if it's that I've been told the last four visits about how my water will break and labor will go quick, or if it's just the idea of going 40 weeks instead of 38 but I have been extremely on edge and sort of anxious for Owen to get here. As tempting as induction sounds, I have decided to give him to his due date to arrive on his own, and if I'm still pregnant at my 40 week check up on Monday then I will schedule something. I have really been hoping to do this birth all natural, and the chances of that happening if I get induced are much lower. So in the meantime, I will enjoy the quiet times when Emma is napping or at preschool, and soak up as much help from my parents as they are willing to give so that I can rest. As uncomfortable as I am, I know that Owen is still growing and doing just fine inside, so there is no reason to rush. I also know that this time with Emma as my "only" is a very special time, and so we are taking every advantage of it!

Cosley Zoo 

Scarecrows at the arboretum

Monday, October 13, 2014


I feel like I have been in labor this entire week. I am taking note of this because it is so different than my last pregnancy. Last time, I felt contractions begin on the same day I ended up going into the hospital and gave birth less than 12 hours after the noticeable contractions started. This time, I have been having contractions every night causing horrible nights sleep, terrible pain in my hips, and an aching back. On the one hand I know that every pregnancy is different, but I'm also slightly disappointed in myself for not being able to hold it together. I felt like I put so much more time and effort into working out so that I would be in the best possible shape for labor. And now here I find myself, two weeks away from my due date, in pain and feeling downright lazy. My parents took Emma to Michigan for the weekend in anticipation that should I have to get to the hospital we wouldn't have to worry about finding care for her. Brandon and I went on a few walks which felt great, but also so exhausting! And alas, it's Monday morning and no baby. I feel like I have disappointed people by not giving birth this weekend. It's been frustrating. But I have a doctor appointment this morning so hopefully progress has been made and maybe the doctor can give me some reassurance that at some point in the near future Owen will come out!

38 weeks! Baby is the size of a watermelon- which was my number 1 craving!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Comparing my baby belly

At my 37 week appointment on Monday my doctor told me she was 50/50 on whether I'd make it to next week's appointment still pregnant! I was 4cm dilated, and have been having contractions on occasion. I just didn't think they were productive, but turns out they are! So as the days of this pregnancy wind down I have found it fun to compare how I looked/felt with Emma versus with Owen. 
It's amazing to see how differently I carried last time. This time Brandon has described my belly like a "missile" haha. It's so true, and I fear my stretch marks might be worse because of it. Otherwise, I've been feeling really good. I'm up to 180 pounds now but am still so happy that this was my starting point with Emma. It will be so much easier to get back to my happy weight after Owen is born. For that I am very thankful. My rings still fit, although they are getting a bit snug. Haven't really been able to work out but we did go for a nice long walk the other night which felt great!

Morton Arboretum 5K

This past weekend we participated in the annual Morton Arboretum Fall Colors 5K. We love this race, it's so beautiful and now that we have Emma we love registering her for the kids 50 yard dash! I was sidelined this year, unfortunately, but it was still fun to spend the morning at one of our favorite places with our favorite people!
Emma loves her Auntie Trish! Trisha and Ben came to watch/cheer with me and drink coffee and eat donuts.

Brandon ran his fastest 5k ever! 22:46 with a 7:20 pace & 3rd in his division!

Emma had to have a picture with the "Elsa" scarecrow

And of course the whole family had to get together for one. She is going to be so excited for Disney!

Sloane was a little cold, haha!

Emma didn't run this year, she ended up crying at the starting line and couldn't be consoled, so she just cheered with me. Hopefully next year she'll feel more up to it! It was a cold morning and a little overwhelming with so many people, so I understand her hesitation.