Monday, October 13, 2014


I feel like I have been in labor this entire week. I am taking note of this because it is so different than my last pregnancy. Last time, I felt contractions begin on the same day I ended up going into the hospital and gave birth less than 12 hours after the noticeable contractions started. This time, I have been having contractions every night causing horrible nights sleep, terrible pain in my hips, and an aching back. On the one hand I know that every pregnancy is different, but I'm also slightly disappointed in myself for not being able to hold it together. I felt like I put so much more time and effort into working out so that I would be in the best possible shape for labor. And now here I find myself, two weeks away from my due date, in pain and feeling downright lazy. My parents took Emma to Michigan for the weekend in anticipation that should I have to get to the hospital we wouldn't have to worry about finding care for her. Brandon and I went on a few walks which felt great, but also so exhausting! And alas, it's Monday morning and no baby. I feel like I have disappointed people by not giving birth this weekend. It's been frustrating. But I have a doctor appointment this morning so hopefully progress has been made and maybe the doctor can give me some reassurance that at some point in the near future Owen will come out!

38 weeks! Baby is the size of a watermelon- which was my number 1 craving!

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