Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Exploring Minneapolis

Emma and I did a little driving around today, and when we got back to the hotel and she ate (after she screamed her head off in the car) we did a little photo shoot. I'm trying to make sure she gets lots of tummy time and time in her bumbo chair. I want to make sure she's nice and strong! So here are a few adorable shots from today. She did really well!

It was Emma's first time at an art museum today! We went to the Minneapolis Institute of Art where she slept the entire time. Hopefully we'll be back one day so she can enjoy all the art and the beautiful view of downtown Minneapolis from the museum. Here are a few shots to help her remember.

I really enjoy exploring new cities. I have to admit it's very different exploring with a baby. I have to consider nap times, feeding schedules (other than my own) and where the elevators are. But I'm so glad I have my little buddy with me, and I can't wait until she understands these places and gives me input on what she'd like to check out. In the meantime, it's just me, going where I want to go, pushing a stroller. And there is no better feeling in the world.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could go exploring with you. If you like exploring cities... you should come check out St. Louis. I'll show you and Emma all the sites :)
