Sunday, October 30, 2011

Emma- Two Months

We had our monthly photo shoot today. It was cool to see the difference in her engagement from last month to this month. She was so much more alert and happy than last month. It could be the new formula we have her on because it seems as though she is allergic to dairy. She's been such a happy baby since starting the formula. What I've learned in this past week is that even though you have an idea of how you want to parent, you can't get bent out of shape if things don't go the way you want. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices in order for your child to be happier and healthier. I was sure that I would never give her the dreaded formula. I feel that there is so much pressure on moms to take care of their children in a certain way and so it's really hard when the "right" way of doing things doesn't work quite right for your child. I have learned that I need to let go of doing things the way I think I'm supposed to, and instead to pay attention to what works best for Emma.

Anyways, here is her two month photo shoot. I love that I can just hear the "coo" she is making when I look at this picture. Enjoy, happy halloween!

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