Friday, October 4, 2013

How I will stop spending money

This week's lesson at FPU was all about how our personalities dictate how we handle finances. For instance, you're either a nerd- someone who wants to budget, or a free spirit- someone who has a laissez faire view of how money comes and goes. Both Brandon and I discovered we are "nerds" (big surprise there!). However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that while I like the idea of being a nerd, I'm not very good at following through. I have created so many budgets through our five years of marriage but have not managed to stick to any of them! So I am going to write down, here in the Internet for all eternity, three ways I will stop spending money starting now.

1. Stop buying protein shakes at the gym. I buy protein powder already, so I will start making shakes at home more often.
2. Stop going to Target in the middle of the week just to "pick something up". "Something" inevitably turns into many "somethings" and I end up spending so much more than I anticipate.
3. Stop buying clothes for Emma...for now. Obviously she is a growing child, but she has enough to last through the winter, so there is no reason she needs anything else.

I feel really good about this list. I don't think it's unreasonable, or that my life will feel incomplete. I just needed to jot it down so I can refer back to this to hold myself accountable.

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