Thursday, March 7, 2013

18 Months!

Well, I clearly have been away from this blog for awhile. I wanted to hop on though and remember a few milestones. I've been reading blogs of friends who are pregnant and reading about their cravings and feelings during pregnancy has made me realize that I don't really remember much of those little details. I want to be more diligent in writing down the "every-day" things with Emma so that I can look back later on, and maybe even have some notes for whenever baby number two happens.

Emma's 18 month check up.
Emma is still a big, healthy girl. Her last weigh in was 26 pounds 8 ounces and 33 & 3/4 inches long. Both land her in the 90% for weight and height. She is one smart cookie too. The doctor said that she seems to be at the cognitive level of a two-year-old which makes me one proud mama. The worst part of the visit was, of course, the shots. Poor girl is smart enough now to know what's happening, and as I held her on my lap it broke my heart to see her so visibly terrified of the needle coming towards her. Just another moment that proves to me that as much as I want to be in control, I am not. I cannot protect her from everything that will harm or scare her, but I will do my best to comfort her when it's over.

Another milestone this week; Emma played in the snow for the first time! It was actually Brandon's idea, I was worried that she didn't have the right snow-appropriate attire and she would be cold and uncomfortable. But, once again, I'm not in control. So we bundled her up as best we could and went outside camera in hand. And she loved it. She loved walking around in circles, occasionally bending down to brush the snow with her mitten. To my exclamation "I can't believe she likes it!" Brandon so wisely replied, "of course she does, it's a new experience".
I was putting my own reservations about the snow onto Emma without her actually trying it. Just because I don't like playing in the snow doesn't mean she won't.

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