Here are a few thoughts and updates on the last few months.
Owen is now 9 months old! We celebrated in my favorite place on earth, Bethany Beach. We spent a week there with Ben & Trisha, Mom & Dad, GG, and a few cousins on both the front and back end. Every time I am in Bethany, I think about how blessed and lucky I am to have such a place like that to escape to. There are a few things in the works right now, discussion amongst family, as to how we can keep the house in the family longer-term. My prayer is that we find a way as a family to make it happen. I love bringing Emma and Owen there, and Emma's at an age now where she remembers it and looks forward to going there. We had a blast swimming in the waves several days, I watched her go from timid to yelling, "ride the wave, baby!".
Owen 5 months |
Owen 6 months |
Owen 7 months |
Owen 8 months |
Owen 9 months |