Saturday, June 4, 2011

Love this Quote

Because We Can

Thursday Brandon and I went on an impromptu date just "because we can". We had a nice dinner at Panera (mmm, sierra turkey sandwich) and saw Source Code at the cheap show. It was really nice to just go out and enjoy an evening together what with Brandon being so busy with homework, resume prep, job hunting and all. It was also really nice to get out and do something spontaneous and last minute, something we won't be able to do much longer. Pretty soon we'll have to arrange baby sitters and plan our dates out weeks in advance.

Thursday was also the first time I can confidently say that I felt the little girl move, not just kick. I was sitting at my desk at work and I felt an arm or leg go from one side of my belly to the other. Just like that I can no longer say "I think so" when people ask me if I've felt the baby move yet. Just like that it is very real that there is a living being inside me experiencing the first bit of life.

On Thursday I also got the good news that my high blood pressure has gone down thanks to the help of a low dose of blood pressure medication. And the results from my test came back and I don't have to worry about preeclempsia right now. Yay! I felt weird being put on medication however the doctor told me that it would be worse for the baby for me to continue to have high blood pressure. I tell you, if there's one thing you can say to a pregnant woman to get her to do something (or not do something), tell her it's good (or bad) for the baby. It's my achilles heal I guess.